80s House Exterior Makeover

80s House Exterior Makeover

Are you looking for a way to give your 80s house exterior a much-needed makeover? You’re in luck! With just a few updates, you can give your home a fresh and modern look without breaking the bank.

Here are some tips and ideas to help you get started on your 80s house exterior makeover:

1. Update Your Exterior Paint

One of the quickest and easiest ways to update the look of your home is to give the exterior a fresh coat of paint. Consider opting for a neutral color palette such as greys, beiges, and whites which will help to keep the look timeless. When selecting a color, be sure to take into account the style of your home as well as the surrounding environment.

2. Add Curb Appeal with Landscaping

Landscaping can be a great way to add a bit of curb appeal to your home. Consider adding shrubs, plants, and flowers for a pop of color or add a few trees for a bit of shade. Additionally, be sure to keep your lawn well-maintained by regularly mowing and trimming. This will help to keep your home looking neat and tidy.

3. Replace Old Doors and Windows

If your home’s doors and windows are showing their age, consider replacing them. Not only will this improve the look of your home but it can also help to improve energy efficiency. When selecting new doors and windows, be sure to select ones that are high-quality and energy efficient.

4. Add a Pop of Color with Accessories

Adding a few outdoor accessories can be a great way to add a pop of color to your home’s exterior. Consider adding a welcome mat, a colorful door wreath, or even a few potted plants. These accessories can help to make your home stand out from the rest and can be very budget-friendly.

5. Invest in New Lighting

Giving your home’s exterior lighting an update can be a great way to give your home a modern look. Consider adding energy-efficient LED lights or solar-powered lights. Additionally, you could also add a few string lights to give your home a warm and inviting look.

6. Upgrade Your Hardware

Another way to give your home a modern look is to upgrade your hardware. Consider replacing your old door knobs, doorbell, and even your house numbers. These small changes can help to give your home a fresh and updated look.

7. Update Your Gutters

Your gutters may not be the most glamorous aspect of your home, but they are an important part of keeping your home safe from water damage. If your gutters are looking worn or outdated, consider replacing them. This will help to keep your home safe from potential water damage.

8. Add a Deck or Patio

Adding a deck or patio can be a great way to add living space to your home and can be a great spot to entertain guests. Consider adding a patio with comfortable seating, an outdoor bar, or even a fire pit. This can be a great way to add value to your home and will also provide you with a great spot to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

With just a few updates, you can give your home a much-needed makeover and give it a fresh and modern look. Be sure to keep your budget in mind and focus on making small updates that will make a big impact. With a bit of creativity and a few updates, you can give your 80s house exterior a much-needed makeover.

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